TN Corn Organizations


TN Corn Growers Association

Who We Are: The TN Corn Growers Association is a grassroots membership organization that serves as a collective voice on agricultural issues at the state and federal level.

TN Corn

Who We Are: TN Corn is made up of three organizations: The TN Corn Growers Association, the TN Corn Promotion Council, and the TN Corn Promotion Board. All three are farmer-funded and farmer-led. TN Corn exists to research and promote the future of corn products.


TN Corn Promotion Board

Who We Are: TN Corn Promotion Board collects and administers the corn checkoff funds. This special fund makes much needed market development, promotion, education, and research possible, all which benefit the Tennessee corn industry, agriculture, and economy.

TN Corn Promotion Council

Who We Are: TN Corn Promotion Council safeguards the investment of the Tennessee corn checkoff funds in the areas of market development, research, promotion and education.


TN Corn Leadership


TN Corn Growers Association

Rob Holman -Obion County

Vice President
Karl Forsbach - Hardin County

Logan Meeks - Lauderdale County

NCGA Delegate
Rob Holman - Obion County

TN Corn Promotion Council

Rob Holman - Obion County

Vice Chairman
John Townsend - Henry County

Karl Forsbach - Hardin County

Shane Burchfiel - Dyer County

TN Corn Promotion Board

John Townsend - Henry County

Vice Chairman
Shane Burchfiel - Dyer County

Kim Sellers - Dyer County

Shane Burchfiel - Dyer County
Claude Callicote - Hickman County
Corbin Neas - Cocke County
Kyle Owen - Smith County
Kim Sellers - Dyer County
Robert Thompson  - McMinn County
Jonathan Tosh - Henry County
John Townsend - Henry County
Tracy Vannatta - Bedford County


TN Corn Staff


Amy McNeil

Executive Director


Phone: (731) 819-7111


FAQs about Checkoff Funds

  • Checkoff programs allow farmers to work together to support the promotion of the commodities they produce. Under a checkoff program, a portion of a farmer’s proceeds are collected when his or her grain or livestock is sold. The money is put into a common fund and is invested by a farmer-led board into programs to grow demand and increase farmer profitability.

  • The corn checkoff program allows Tennessee corn farmers to invest in programs that enhance markets and ultimately, the value of corn. Producer checkoff programs are an important tool in building new demand and managing issues that threaten the future of farming. In the past, corn checkoff funds across the U.S. have been used to conduct research that has led to the development of cornstarch plastics, improved ethanol, high-fructose corn syrup and many other products.

  • When a Tennessee corn producer sells a load of corn, the grain purchaser automatically collects 1 cent per bushel for the checkoff program. Purchasers include grain elevators, cooperatives, ethanol plants and livestock growers. The first purchaser is responsible for remitting the checkoff dollars to the Tennessee Corn Promotion Board.

  • The checkoff funds are used to advance corn growers’ businesses and future viability. They also help fund consumer education projects.

  • Yes, the assessment applies to any sale or transaction when corn is purchased as the first point of sale from the producer in Tennessee. The assessment does not apply to a non-producer transaction, such as a sale from dealer to dealer.

  • You can join the TN Corn Growers at the National Corn Growers website.

    We also regularly ask farmers for feedback and suggestions. Get involved by giving us your thoughts.


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