Apply for CFAP Payments by September 11

Have you applied to receive Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) payments from USDA? If not, you’ll want to act soon! The program’s application deadline is now September 11, 2020. The original deadline was August 28, 2020.

Farmers who had an ownership interest in unpriced corn on January 15, 2020 are eligible to receive CFAP payments. Additionally, if you owned any beef cattle between January 15–April 15, 2020, you are eligible for additional payments.

Eligible inventory will receive $0.335/bushel for corn. For example, if you owned 10,000 bushels of unpriced corn as of January 15, 2020, you may be eligible to receive $3,350 in CFAP payments. Note that eligible inventory cannot exceed 50% of 2019 production. 

There are no repayment requirements or application fees to participate. 

“We understand these are difficult financial times for many and want to ensure producers get the assistance they need. Agriculture is essential to us all, so it is vital we make sure farmers have access to the financial support,” said Carol Reed, TN Corn Executive Director.“

As of the end of July, Tennessee producers have received $87.7 million from 16,655 applications – or an average of $5,265 per application – from the CFAP program in direct payments.

Contact your local University of Tennessee County Extension Office, USDA Farm Service Agency or visit for details and a list of eligible commodities.

Stacie McCracken