Building a Strong Future for Tennessee Corn Farmers

Tennessee corn farmer planting field in the spring

The Tennessee Corn Growers Association is a grassroots membership organization that serves as a collective voice on agricultural issues at the state and federal levels. 

Involvement in the Tennessee Corn Growers Association gives Tennessee corn growers access to representation in policy-making and advocacy efforts, educational resources, and opportunities for networking and collaboration. 

“I believe in getting involved in the industry you're in – and doing it with passion. I value the concept of investing back into my industry through involvement in the Tennessee Corn Growers Association. It is an investment that returns dividends that we all directly benefit from.” - Hunter Grills, Dyer County, Tennessee

Here are some of the additional ways the Tennessee Corn Growers Association works to create long-term success in your operation:

  • Advocating at the state and federal level with policymakers, agribusiness, and the global market 

  • Strengthening and expanding our foreign and domestic markets for corn and corn co-products

  • Building awareness and demand for corn-based ethanol to meet climate and energy concerns

  • Investing in youth and young growers to connect with the next generation of consumers and leaders

  • Ensuring our growers have access to the most innovative technology and production practices to grow profitable and sustainable corn crops

Want to join us and other like-minded growers who value the corn industry? Consider joining the Tennessee Corn Growers Association here. When you join the Tennessee Corn Growers Association you also become a member of the National Corn Growers Association. Interested in learning more about membership? Contact us with your questions.

Stacie McCracken