Passionate Advocates Key to Industry Success

Hunter Grills – a ninth-generation farmer from Dyer County, Tennessee – raises corn, soybeans, wheat and triticale, and a herd of commercial beef cattle with his father and two brothers.

He has been a member of the Tennessee Corn Growers Association for several years. An active member in his industry and community, Hunter was also recently named Tennessee Farm Bureau’s Outstanding Young Farmer and Rancher Achievement Award winner.

“I believe in getting involved in the industry you're in – and doing it with passion. I value the concept of investing back into my industry through involvement in the Tennessee Corn Growers Association. It is an investment that returns dividends that we all directly benefit from,” said Grills.

The TN Corn Growers Association is a grassroots membership organization that serves as a collective voice on agricultural issues at the state and federal level.

“Being involved in the TCGA is vital to the future health of our industry. We are all guilty of overlooking things that are happening on a political or societal level due to having our head down, running the farm from dawn until dusk. TCGA helps monitor matters and brings awareness to issues.” 

From Hunter’s perspective, for those on the fence about joining, he encourages you to reach out to the association, other farmers and learn more about what TCGA is doing. “We need people to be active advocates in our industry,” he says.

“If we aren’t speaking up for ourselves, if we aren’t banding together, the way we are running our operations is vulnerable and we may not have the liberty to farm in the same way in the future. To remain sustainable and profitable, we have to be advocating for ourselves,” concluded Grills.

You can join the TN Corn Growers Association here:

Stacie McCracken