Tennessee Corn Elects New Grower Leadership Officers
Paul Spain, Tennessee Department of Agriculture presenting on Tennessee Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Seminar for growers.
Mike Brundige and Carol Reed leading the Tennessee Corn Promotion Board Meeting.
Members of the Tennessee Corn Growers Association (TCGA) gathered at the Milan Research and Education Center in Milan, Tennessee on Wednesday, August 4 for its Annual Meeting. This yearly meeting provides Tennessee corn farmers an opportunity to network, listen in on project and research updates from each organization, and participate in officer elections.
As part of these elections, John Townsend of Paris was re-elected to serve as President of TCGA. Other officers re-elected include Carl Schutz of Dyersburg, Vice President; Rob Holman of Union City, Secretary; and Johnathan Tosh of Paris, Treasurer.
Following the TCGA Annual Meeting, the Tennessee Corn Promotion Board held a regular board meeting and officer elections. George McDonald of Riddleton was elected to serve as Chairman; Andy Davis of Sparta, Vice-Chairman; and Mark Spradlin of Jackson, Secretary-Treasurer. The board is thankful to Mike Brundige of Martin for his years of service as Chairman of the organization.
As a result of the elections, the Tennessee Corn Promotion Council will have new officers for the coming year. Serving as officers are George McDonald, Chairman; John Townsend, Vice-Chairman; Andy Davis, Secretary; and Carl Schultz, Treasurer.
“We are very grateful for the volunteer efforts that our grower leadership and officers give on an annual basis,” said Carol Reed, executive director of TCPC. “I look forward to working alongside our leadership team in increasing opportunities for our membership and shareholders in the coming year.”