Tennessee Corn Promotion Council Names Executive Director

The Tennessee Corn Promotion Council (TCPC) has named Carol Reed of Martin, Tennessee as their Executive Director. TCPC works in cooperation with the Tennessee Corn Promotion Board (TCPB) and the Tennessee Corn Growers Association (TCGA) to support promotions of corn growers in Tennessee.

Funding for the promotions will come from the newly established Tennessee Corn Checkoff program. A checkoff program represents strength in numbers. This program is supported by Tennessee corn growers. Each grower makes an investment in the program that results in a larger pool of resources that can be used more efficiently and effectively for all growers.

“Tennessee corn producers are fortunate to have someone with the confidence and ability to communicate with farmers, agri-business leaders, university researchers and even those on the political scene. Carol also brings a wealth of financial knowledge that will be a great asset in this initial year of checkoff collections and budgeting “said Mike Brundige, Chairman of the TCPC and the TCPB.

The TCPC administers the funds collected from the corn checkoff. This special fund makes much needed market development, promotion, education, and research possible, all which benefit the Tennessee corn industry, agriculture, and economy.

“The TCGA is delighted to have Carol’s leadership in agriculture and agri-related businesses along with her management experience as we chart the course of our work and determine how we can best strengthen our farmer members for the next several years,” said TCGA President, Mike Holman.

Reed and her husband David live on a Tennessee Century Farm in Weakley County that produces corn, soybeans, wheat and hay. She was reared on a family farm in central Kentucky and has maintained a lifelong connection to production agriculture. She has served as a member of the Weakley County Farm Bureau Board of Directors for over 18 years.

Most recently, Reed served as Executive Director of the Northwest Tennessee Entrepreneur Center, which was focused on helping start-up and existing ag-related companies. Previously, she enjoyed a long and successful career in commercial and community banking. She is a past President for Martin Rotary Club and a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow. She is a graduate of WestStar Leadership and Weakley County Leadership. She currently serves on the Advisory Board of the UT Martin College of Business and Global Affairs.

“I am honored to have been chosen to serve as the Executive Director of the TCPC and to have the opportunity to work with, and on behalf of the corn producers of Tennessee. With the passage of the Tennessee corn checkoff, the Tennessee corn growers placed their confidence in the TCPC to implement programs that will develop and enhance a sustainable environment for Tennessee corn growers. I am grateful for this opportunity to be on the ground floor of this important initiative.” Reed shared.

TCPC operates out of the West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center located at 605 Airways Blvd, Jackson, TN 38301.

William Donnell