From Ear to Everything
Corn education resources for Tennessee educators.
Following the Tennessee Science Standards, From Ear to Everything is an interactive curriculum helping students see how Tennessee-grown corn plays a role in their day-to-day lives - from the food they eat to the fuel used in their parents’ cars.
Aligned with eight Tennessee Science Standards
Easily integrate agriculture into classroom curriculum
Digital and hands-on learning
What’s Included
From Ear to Everything is a six-part lesson plan designed to guide 4th and 5th grade students through the fundamentals of corn.
A six-part lesson plan designed to guide students through the fundamentals of corn
A complete list of materials needed, instructor guides and student handouts
An animated video series to help reinforce and direct the lessons
A fun card game for students to apply their knowledge of corn
Digital & Hands-On Learning
Use the From Ear to Everything Animated Video Series alongside each lesson to further students’ knowledge and understanding of corn.
The Corn League game is a fun card game for students to apply and test their knowledge of corn with their classmates.
Peek Inside From Ear to Everything
Lesson 1 - All About Corn
Lesson 2 - Watch It Grow
Lesson 3 - Save The Soil
Lesson 4 - Stems & Leaves: Nutrient Highways
Lesson 5 - How Corn Is Made
Lesson 6 - From Corn To Everything
What Students Will Learn
The different types of corn
The life cycle of corn
The many uses of corn
Aligned with Eight Tennessee Science Standards
2.LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
3.LS4: Biological Change: Unity and Diversity
4.PS3: Energy
2.ESS2: Earth’s Systems
4.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
2.LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits
3.ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society
4.ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
Key Messages
From Ear to Everything helps students associate corn with the things that matter in their lives, allows educators to effectively integrate agriculture into their curriculum, and help Tennessee corn growers tell the story of corn.
Corn production is a significant part of Tennessee agriculture. Tennessee is the 16th highest producer of corn in the United States, bringing with it economic benefits to our state and local communities.
Tennessee corn farmers do their best every day to care for the environment and grow a healthy corn crop. They have families, jobs and homes, just like you.
Tennessee corn plays a role in every part of our lives - from the car you ride into school to the burger your parents make for dinner.