Agricenter International Advances Knowledge and Understanding of Agriculture

Each year, more than 1.3 million people visit Agricenter International, which seeks to advance the knowledge and understanding of agriculture. It is the education, agribusiness, research and agricultural hub of the Mid-South.

“Agricenter International is the largest urban farm in the country and, quite possibly, the world,” explains John Butler, President of Agricenter International. “We are a successful example of a public-private partnership with the Shelby County government. Our campus is extremely unique.”

It is the third largest tourism draw within Shelby County, which  owns the 1,000 acres of Agricenter and holds a conservation easement on the property. Day-to-day operations are managed by Agricenter International. The non-profit was formed in 1979 and the main building was constructed in 1986.

The agritourism programs offered through Agricenter International continue to educate and provide economic stimulus to the county and region. The overall economic impact of Agricenter International (the business entities operating as tenants and visitor spending at events) is $524 million annually. Local taxes collected from these activities are $4.7 million annually, and 2,517 direct and indirect jobs are produced. 

“Partnerships with other agricultural organizations are extremely important to the future health of the industry – both in maintaining farmers’ freedom to farm, but also in emerging agricultural technologies. The story of the Tennessee Corn checkoff is one of farmers investing in the betterment of each other, and that aligns perfectly with the mission and values of Agricenter International,” concludes Butler.

Checkout the Agricenter International event calendar here.

Stacie McCracken