Growers Voice Their Opinions on the 2023 Farm Bill


The 2023 Farm Bill deadline is fast approaching on September 30, 2023. Tennessee corn growers were recently asked to complete a survey on various key aspects of the 2023 Farm Bill. The survey received responses from 10% of the membership ranging in age from 18 to 65+ with an average of 1,280 acres in production this year.

When it comes to the splitting of traditional farm programs from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), most growers opposed the split with 69% opposing the split. 

On the topic of increasing spending levels within the Market Access Program (MAP) and the Foreign Market Development (FMD) trade programs, all respondents expressed support. 

Regarding farm payment limitations for Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC), 53% of respondents believed they should be left at their current levels, 33% favored raising the limitations, and 14% suggested capping them at lowers levels or advocating for their elimination. In terms of a farmer’s ability to elect their enrollment in ARC or PLC, most respondents were in favor, while 1 respondent opposed it. 

When asked about increasing the statutory reference price of corn per bushel, all growers were in support. 

On the subject of a mandatory forced base acres update for a farm’s crop-specific acreage eligible for FSA program purposes, growers were split, with 56% supporting it and 44% opposing it. 

For conservation programs, most respondents saw these as important in incentivizing the adoption of new conservation practices, with the majority considering them extremely to somewhat important.

Lastly, all grower respondents agreed that the federal government should continue subsidizing crop insurance premiums, with none opposing it. 

These results play a crucial role in shaping the Tennessee Corn Growers Association’s efforts in advocating for corn growers in Tennessee. 

Stacie McCracken