New Website Addresses the Soil Fertility Needs of Tennessee Producers


Adoption of sound soil fertility and nutrient management practices are critical to maximizing yield, enhancing nutrient efficiency and minimizing nutrient loss. Research-based information focused on just that now has a new home at under “UT Soil”. Thanks in part to funding from the Tennessee Corn Promotion Board, this addition to the UT Crops website focuses on soil and nutrient management technologies and recommendations for efficient crop production. 

“The UT Soil site is a great outreach platform to reach a greater audience and increase the readership of corn growers,” says Nutifafa Adotey, Assistant Professor and Soil & Nutrient Management Specialist at The University of Tennessee.

While most soil and nutrient management information is disseminated through in-person training, field tours and popular press, the new UT Soil site makes it easy for producers to access information in order to make reliable management decisions. 

UT Soil provides:

  • Fertilizer recommendations for agronomic crops in a friendly format

  • Resources on soil fertility including soil pH, nutrient deficiency, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and micronutrients

  • Information on soil management practices such as the use of cover crops and soil health

  • Highlights of ongoing soil fertility projects

  • Links to important agricultural agencies and organizations

Pages of specific interest to corn growers:

UT Soil is contained within the UT Crops website, which includes important crop production and management information on major field crops grown in Tennessee, including field guides for diseases and insect pests, variety trial data, and other current resources. For more information visit