Tennessee Corn Supports Cleaner, Lower Cost Fuel Choices


President Biden announced earlier this month that his administration would use existing authority to prevent drivers from losing access to lower-cost and lower-emission E15, a higher ethanol blend often marketed as Unleaded 88.

Tennessee Corn growers are proud to contribute to cleaner, lower cost fuel choices, and support the continued availability of E15. 

Since the announcement, Tennessee Corn has worked quickly to share information on the environmental and energy solutions that ethanol provides at home and beyond. 

  • Ethanol has been priced an average of 80 cents less per gallon than unblended gasoline at wholesale through March, and drivers currently save up to 20 cents or more per gallon where E15 is available. Here’s where you can fill your tank with clean-burning ethanol blends in Tennessee.

  • Ethanol adds billions of gallons to the U.S. fuel supply every year, lowering demand for high-cost oil while increasing the total fuel available to consumers. Corn farmers’ increased productivity and efficiency have resulted in higher yields, using fewer resources to meet food, feed and fuel needs to help keep prices down. In Tennessee, 46 percent of field corn produced is used for ethanol production, supporting more than 4,500 full-time jobs

  • Allowing continued E15 sales through the summer keeps a lower-emission fuel in the marketplace. E15 has lower volatility than regular fuel, which is a 10% ethanol blend, and using E15 results in lower evaporative and exhaust emissions, important during the summer driving season. 

For more information about ethanol, its impact in Tennessee and where you can purchase E15, visit tncorn.org/ethanol.

Stacie McCracken