Tennessee Corn Supports Research Partnerships

Tennessee corn farmers understand the value of quality research in improving profitability and increasing corn production. That’s one of the reasons The Tennessee Corn Promotion Board (TCPB) was excited to be able to invest in university research and ag-related enterprises a year earlier than originally planned, due to a bountiful harvest in 2019. 

With the growth in corn production and continued low corn prices, TCPB is working to discover and promote new and innovative market opportunities for corn, as well as ways to expand existing traditional markets such as exports, ethanol production, feed for livestock production, etc. Investments in this area include funding for the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Research, which received $124,181 for the 2019-20 fiscal year toward research aimed at improving producers’ profitability. 

Additional important research programs currently funded by the Tennessee Corn Promotion Board focus on weed management, efficient irrigation, evaluating sidedress nitrogen placement for grain quality and maximizing market access for Tennessee corn farmers. When each of these research projects concludes, TN Corn will share the results from the study. 

Looking toward the future, The Tennessee Corn Promotion Board (TCPB) Board of Directors will meet at the Tennessee Corn office in Dresden, TN on January 7, 2021 to receive and consider oral presentations for newly-submitted research proposals.

Is there a research project you want to see funded by Tennessee Corn? 

Let us know here!

Stacie McCracken