Tennessee Poultry Association and Tennessee Corn Support Collaboration

The Tennessee Poultry Association (TPA) advocates for the integrated broiler and breeder industry in Tennessee and is a strong partner of Tennessee Corn. TPA works in partnership with growers, producers, companies, educators, researchers, universities, state agencies, and agri-businesses to promote and protect the commercial poultry industry in the state. 

“Feed costs are a major input for poultry growers, which is why maintaining strong relationships with the Tennessee Poultry Association is important to Tennessee corn farmers. We are always looking for ways to collaborate with one another,” said Carol Reed, Executive Director of Tennessee Corn.

“We are one of the few states experiencing growth in poultry,” commented Dale Barnett, Executive Director of TPA. “A big part of our growth is thanks to the unified agriculture community in Tennessee. We work hard  to protect our right to farm and it’s paying off. We work tirelessly to continue enhancing and maintaining a favorable regulatory and business climate to attract ongoing growth. Because of the favorable business climate, new business has come to Tennessee and many have expanded their existing operations.”

The poultry industry in Tennessee has an overall economic impact of $5 billion, provides more than 27,000 direct and indirect jobs, and accounts for over $438 million paid annually in state and federal taxes.

TPA is very proactive in monitoring and addressing regulatory and legislative concerns and readily provides information and services to the Tennessee poultry industry. TPA annually hosts various educational seminars and workshops for growers, service techs, and the entire industry regarding the latest in best management practices and biosecurity.

“The Tennessee agriculture community is collaborative and unified. We all understand that we can do more as a team. Agriculture is in this together, which has allowed us to engage in meaningful conversations and partnerships,” said Reed.

Stacie McCracken